
Watch Our Nuss Collection Museum Video Tributes On Our YouTube Channel Trucking Tributes

Record Your Trucking Tribute + Preserve Your Stories of Building America

About our Trucking Tributes:

The Nuss Collection is creating a “Trucking Tribute–Dedicated to Building America” digital vault to capture YOUR legacy stories about your experience with the trucking industry to last for future generations. Whether you drove a truck, sold trucks, own historical trucks, or were part of the men and women who helped build America, we want to hear from YOU. It’s the trucks that bring us together but it’s the people and the friendships and the stories that create lasting memories.

How to Share Your Trucking Tribute:

  1. Have a large collection? Schedule an in-person personal video shoot with
  2. Record your own video (on an iphone works, be sure to do this horizontally) and email it to: via free secure filing-sharing services such as: Hightail or Wetransfer
  3. Record your own video and send it to us on a zip drive: Nuss Truck & Equipment, Attn: Melissa S., 2195 CR C2W, Roseville, MN 55113

Yes! I have a Trucking Tribute to share!

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